Sunday 15th Dec. 2024 Santa dive at Vobster Quay.
The viz reports from Vobster in the run up to the Santa Dive 2024 were dire: less than a metre, shading to zero at the bottom. Pegs and I arrived at a reasonable time, and found the car park nearly empty. Still, that just meant everyone present was extremely keen! It wasn’t a cold day, just grey. A leisurely kit up, struggle into our Santa suits, a briefing and we were off!
The viz reports weren’t wrong: I hit the bottom before I saw it. Our plan was to find the tunnel and then the helicopter. We made our way along the side, hitting nearly 20m and maintaining our pairing mainly by bumping into and finning each other. We managed about 10 minutes before becoming separated. I covered my torches in an effort to see my buddy’s light, and… nothing. Black as your hat.
So I did the sensible thing. Looked around, deployed a DSMB and ascended. On the surface, a few metres away, a lone diver was looking the other way, and I soon realised it was not Pegs. Seems we were far from being the only separated buddy pair. A short dive, then, but a good one. I always like a challenge!
Mince pies arrived promptly, and the raffle took place a bit earlier than planned due to the sparse attendance. The viz had put people off attending, but in lieu of being there, they’d all phoned in orders for raffle tickets to the value of their missed dive. Some great prizes were on offer, all won by people who were not us. A tidy sum raised for the RNLI and Help for Heroes.
My Santa suit has been through the washing machine, and when it’s dry I’ll be packing it away to wear at the 2025 Santa Dive. Club outing, anyone?